Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)


     star - tape archive file format


     Tar Archives are layered archives.  The basic  structure  is
     defined by the POSIX.1-1988 archive format and documented in
     the BASIC TAR HEADER DESCRIPTION section below.  The  higher
     level  structure  is  defined  by  the POSIX.1-2001 extended
     headers and documented in  the  EXTENDED  TAR  (PAX)  HEADER
     STRUCTURE  section below.  POSIX.1-2001 extended headers are
     pseudo files that contain an unlimited  number  of  extended
     header  keywords  and associated values. The header keywords
     are documented in the EXTENDED  TAR  (PAX)  HEADER  KEYWORDS
     section below.


     A tar archive consists of a  series  of  512  byte  (TBLOCK)
     records  that  are grouped to blocks of typically 20 records
     (10240 bytes).

     A number of TBLOCK sizes records are grouped together  to  a
     tape  block  for  physical  I/O  operations. Each block of n
     records is written with a  single  write(2)  operation.   On
     magnetic tapes, this results in a single tape record in case
     the tape drive is in variable length record mode.

     The block structure is only visible  on  blocked  tapes.   A
     larger  block size results in higher throughput.  Tapes that
     use a block size larger than 63 kB however may not be  read-
     able with any hardware and need to be avoided if read compa-
     tibility is important.  Older  tar  implementations  do  not
     support block sizes larger than 10240 bytes.

     For fast backups, it is recommended to use block sizes of at
     least  256 kB  and  to  verify throughput and readability on
     available hardware.

     Note that the terms block and  record  are  frequently  used
     inconsistently  (starting  in  the  historical documentation
     from 1979 already) and that the term block is typically used
     for  512  bytes  if the tape block size if not relevant in a
     specific context.


     Physically, a POSIX.1-1988 tar archive consists of a  series
     of  fixed  sized blocks of TBLOCK (512) characters.  It con-
     tains a series of  file  entries  terminated  by  a  logical
     end-of-archive  marker,  which consists of two blocks of 512
     bytes of binary zeroes.  Each file entry is represented by a
     header  block  that  describes  the file followed by zero or
     more blocks with the content of the file. The length of each

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

     file is rounded up to a multiple of 512 bytes.

     The header block is defined in star.h as follows:
      * POSIX.1-1988 field size values and magic.
     #define   TBLOCK         512
     #define   NAMSIZ         100
     #define   PFXSIZ         155

     #define   TMODLEN        8
     #define   TUIDLEN        8
     #define   TGIDLEN        8
     #define   TSIZLEN        12
     #define   TMTMLEN        12
     #define   TCKSLEN        8

     #define   TMAGIC         "ustar"   /* ustar magic 6 chars + '\0' */
     #define   TMAGLEN        6         /* "ustar" including '\0' */
     #define   TVERSION       "00"
     #define   TVERSLEN       2
     #define   TUNMLEN        32
     #define   TGNMLEN        32
     #define   TDEVLEN        8

      * POSIX.1-1988 typeflag values
     #define   REGTYPE        '0'  /* Regular File          */
     #define   AREGTYPE       '\0' /* Regular File (outdated) */
     #define   LNKTYPE        '1'  /* Hard Link             */
     #define   SYMTYPE        '2'  /* Symbolic Link         */
     #define   CHRTYPE        '3'  /* Character Special     */
     #define   BLKTYPE        '4'  /* Block Special         */
     #define   DIRTYPE        '5'  /* Directory             */
     #define   FIFOTYPE       '6'  /* FIFO (named pipe)     */
     #define   CONTTYPE       '7'  /* Contiguous File       */

      * POSIX.1-2001 typeflag extensions.
      * POSIX.1-2001 calls the extended USTAR format PAX although it is
      * definitely derived from and based on USTAR. The reason may be that
      * POSIX.1-2001 calls the tar program outdated and lists the
      * pax program as the successor.
     #define   LF_GHDR        'g'  /* POSIX.1-2001 global extended header */
     #define   LF_XHDR        'x'  /* POSIX.1-2001 extended header */

     See section EXTENDED TAR  (PAX)  HEADER  KEYWORDS  for  more
     information about the structure of a POSIX.1-2001 header.

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

      * star/gnu/Sun tar extensions:
      * Note that the standards committee allows only capital A through
      * capital Z for user-defined expansion.  This means that defining
      * something as, say '8' is a *bad* idea.

     #define   LF_ACL         'A'  /* Solaris Access Control List     */
     #define   LF_DUMPDIR     'D'  /* GNU dump dir                    */
     #define   LF_EXTATTR     'E'  /* Solaris Extended Attribute File */
     #define   LF_META        'I'  /* Inode (metadata only) no file content */
     #define   LF_LONGLINK    'K'  /* NEXT file has a long linkname   */
     #define   LF_LONGNAME    'L'  /* NEXT file has a long name       */
     #define   LF_MULTIVOL    'M'  /* Continuation file rest to be skipped */
     #define   LF_NAMES       'N'  /* OLD GNU for names > 100 characters*/
     #define   LF_SPARSE      'S'  /* This is for sparse files        */
     #define   LF_VOLHDR      'V'  /* tape/volume header Ignore on extraction */
     #define   LF_VU_XHDR     'X'  /* POSIX.1-2001 xtended (Sun VU version) */

      * Definitions for the t_mode field
     #define   TSUID     04000     /* Set UID on execution  */
     #define   TSGID     02000     /* Set GID on execution  */
     #define   TSVTX     01000     /* On directories, restricted deletion flag */
     #define   TUREAD    00400     /* Read by owner         */
     #define   TUWRITE   00200     /* Write by owner special */
     #define   TUEXEC    00100     /* Execute/search by owner */
     #define   TGREAD    00040     /* Read by group         */
     #define   TGWRITE   00020     /* Write by group        */
     #define   TGEXEC    00010     /* Execute/search by group */
     #define   TOREAD    00004     /* Read by other         */
     #define   TOWRITE   00002     /* Write by other        */
     #define   TOEXEC    00001     /* Execute/search by other */

     #define   TALLMODES 07777     /* The low 12 bits       */

      * This is the ustar (Posix 1003.1) header.
     struct header {
          char t_name[NAMSIZ];     /*   0 Filename               */
          char t_mode[8];          /* 100 Permissions            */
          char t_uid[8];           /* 108 Numerical User ID      */
          char t_gid[8];           /* 116 Numerical Group ID     */
          char t_size[12];         /* 124 Filesize               */
          char t_mtime[12];        /* 136 st_mtime               */
          char t_chksum[8];        /* 148 Checksum               */
          char t_typeflag;         /* 156 Typ of File            */
          char t_linkname[NAMSIZ]; /* 157 Target of Links        */
          char t_magic[TMAGLEN];   /* 257 "ustar"                */

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          char t_version[TVERSLEN]; /* 263 Version fixed to 00   */
          char t_uname[TUNMLEN];   /* 265 User Name              */
          char t_gname[TGNMLEN];   /* 297 Group Name             */
          char t_devmajor[8];      /* 329 Major for devices      */
          char t_devminor[8];      /* 337 Minor for devices      */
          char t_prefix[PFXSIZ];   /* 345 Prefix for t_name      */
                                   /* 500 End                    */
          char t_mfill[12];        /* 500 Filler up to 512       */

      * star header specific definitions
     #define   STMAGIC        "tar"     /* star magic */
     #define   STMAGLEN       4         /* "tar" including '\0' */

      * This is the new (post Posix 1003.1-1988) xstar header
      * defined in 1994.
      * t_prefix[130]    is guaranteed to be ' ' to prevent ustar
      *                  compliant implementations from failing.
      * t_mfill & t_xmagic need to be zero for a 100% ustar compliant
      *                  implementation, so setting t_xmagic to
      *                  "tar" should be avoided in the future.
      * A different method to recognize this format is to verify that
      * t_prefix[130]              is equal to ' ' and
      * t_atime[0]/t_ctime[0]      is an octal number and
      * t_atime[11]                is equal to ' ' and
      * t_ctime[11]                is equal to ' '.
      * Note that t_atime[11]/t_ctime[11] may be changed in future.
     struct xstar_header {
          char t_name[NAMSIZ];     /*   0 Filename               */
          char t_mode[8];          /* 100 Permissions            */
          char t_uid[8];           /* 108 Numerical User ID      */
          char t_gid[8];           /* 116 Numerical Group ID     */
          char t_size[12];         /* 124 Filesize               */
          char t_mtime[12];        /* 136 st_mtime               */
          char t_chksum[8];        /* 148 Checksum               */
          char t_typeflag;         /* 156 Typ of File            */
          char t_linkname[NAMSIZ]; /* 157 Target of Links        */
          char t_magic[TMAGLEN];   /* 257 "ustar"                */
          char t_version[TVERSLEN]; /* 263 Version fixed to 00   */
          char t_uname[TUNMLEN];   /* 265 User Name              */
          char t_gname[TGNMLEN];   /* 297 Group Name             */
          char t_devmajor[8];      /* 329 Major for devices      */
          char t_devminor[8];      /* 337 Minor for devices      */
          char t_prefix[131];      /* 345 Prefix for t_name      */
          char t_atime[12];        /* 476 st_atime               */

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          char t_ctime[12];        /* 488 st_ctime               */
          char t_mfill[8];         /* 500 Filler up to star magic     */
          char t_xmagic[4];        /* 508 "tar"                  */

     struct sparse {
          char t_offset[12];
          char t_numbytes[12];

     #define   SPARSE_EXT_HDR  21

     struct xstar_ext_header {
          struct sparse t_sp[21];
          char t_isextended;

     typedef union hblock {
          char dummy[TBLOCK];
          long ldummy[TBLOCK/sizeof (long)]; /* force long alignment */
          struct header            dbuf;
          struct xstar_header      xstar_dbuf;
          struct xstar_ext_header  xstar_ext_dbuf;
     } TCB;

     For maximum portability, all fields that  contain  character
     strings should be limited to use the low 7 bits of a charac-

     The  name,  linkname  and  prefix  field  contain  character
     strings.  The  strings  are null terminated except when they
     use the full space of 100 characters for the name  or  link-
     name field or 155 characters for the prefix field.

     If the prefix does not start with  a  null  character,  then
     prefix and name need to be concatenated by using the prefix,
     followed by a slash character followed by  the  name  field.
     If  a  null  character  appears in name or prefix before the
     maximum size is reached,  the  field  in  question  is  ter-
     minated.   This  way  file names up to 256 characters may be
     archived.  The prefix is not used together with the linkname
     field,  so  the maximum length of a link name is 100 charac-

     The fields magic, uname and gname  contain  null  terminated
     character strings.

     The version field contains the string "00" without a  trail-
     ing  zero.  It cannot be set to different values as POSIX.1-
     1988 did not specify  a  way  to  handle  different  version

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     The typeflag field contains a single character.

     All  numeric  fields  contain  size-1  leading   zero-filled
     numbers  using  octal  digits.   They are followed by one or
     more space or null characters.  All  recent  implementations
     only use one space or null character at the end of a numeri-
     cal field to get maximum space for the octal  number.   Star
     always uses a space character as terminator.  Numeric fields
     with 8 characters may hold up to 7  octal  digits  (7777777)
     which results is a maximum value of 2097151.  Numeric fields
     with  12  characters  may  hold  up  to  11   octal   digits
     (77777777777)   which   results   is   a  maximum  value  of

     Star implements  a  vendor  specific  (and  thus  non-POSIX)
     extension  to  put  bigger  numbers into the numeric fields.
     This is done by using a base 256 coding.  The top bit of the
     first character in the appropriate 8 character or 12 charac-
     ter field is set to flag non octal coding.  If base 256 cod-
     ing  is  in  use,  then all remaining characters are used to
     code the number. This results in 7  base  256  digits  in  8
     character  fields  and in 11 base 256 digits in 12 character
     fields.  All base 256 numbers are two's complement  numbers.
     A base 256 number in a 8 character field may hold 56 bits, a
     base 256 number in a 12 character field may hold 88 bits.

     This may be extended to 63 bits for 8 character  fields  and
     to  95  bits for 12 character fields. For a negative number,
     the first character currently is set to a value of 255  (all
     8 bits are set).  For a positive number, the first character
     currently is set to 128 (the top bit is set  and  all  other
     bits are cleared).

     The rightmost character in a 8 or 12  character  field  con-
     tains the least significant base 256 number.

     Recent GNU tar and BSD  libarchive  versions  implement  the
     same extension.

     While the POSIX standard makes it obvious  that  the  fields
     mode,  uid, gid,  size, chksum, devmajor and devminor should
     be treated as unsigned numbers, there is no such  definition
     for the time field.

     The mode field contains 12  bits  holding  permissions,  see
     above for the definitions for each of the permission bits.

     The uid and gid fields contain the  numerical  user  id  and
     group  id  of  the  file.   These  fields may use a base 256

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

     The size field contains the size of the file in  characters.
     If  the tar header is followed by file data, then the amount
     of data that follows is computed by  (size  +  511)  /  512.
     This field may use a base 256 encoding.

     The mtime field contains the number of seconds since Jan 1st
     1970 00:00 UTC as retrieved via stat(2) in st_mtime.  If the
     mtime field is assumed to be a signed  33  bit  number,  the
     latest  representable time is 2106 Feb  7 06:28:15 GMT. This
     is because POSIX does not mention whether the time has to be
     a  signed  or  unsigned number and thus no more than 32 bits
     may be used for a positive value if applications care  about
     portability.  This field may use a base 256 encoding.

     The chksum field contains a simple checksum over  all  bytes
     of  the header.  To compute the value, all characters in the
     header are treated as unsigned integers and  the  characters
     in  the chksum field are treated as if they were all spaces.
     When the computation starts, the checksum value is  initial-
     ized to 0.

     The typeflag field specifies the type of the  file  that  is
     archived.  If a specific tar implementation does not include
     support for a specific typeflag value,  this  implementation
     will  extract  the  unknown file types as if they were plain
     files. For this reason, the size field  for  any  file  type
     except  directories,  hard  links, symbolic links, character
     special, block specials and FIFOs  must  always  follow  the
     rules for plain files.

     '0' REGTYPE
          A regular file.  If the size field is  non  zero,  then
          file data follows the header.

     '\0' AREGTYPE
          For backwards compatibility with pre  POSIX.1-1988  tar
          implementations,  a nul character is also recognized as
          marker for plain files.  It is not generated by  recent
          tar  implementations.   If  the size field is non zero,
          then file data follows the header.

     '1' LNKTYPE
          The file is a hard link to another file.  The  name  of
          the  file that the file is linked to is in the linkname
          part of the header.  For tar archives  written  by  pre
          POSIX.1-1988  implementations,  the  size field usually
          contains the size of the file and needs to  be  ignored
          as  no  data may follow this header type.  For POSIX.1-
          1988 compliant archives, the size field needs to be  0.
          For POSIX.1-2001 compliant archives, the size field may
          be non zero, indicating that file data is  included  in
          the archive.

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

     '2' SYMTYPE
          The file is a symbolic link to another file.  The  name
          of  the file that the file is linked to is in the link-
          name part of the header.  The size field needs to be 0.
          No file data may follow the header.

     '3' CHRTYPE
          A character special file.  The fields devmajor and dev-
          minor contain information that defines the device id of
          the file.  The meaning of the size field is unspecified
          by  the  POSIX  standard.   No file data may follow the

     '4' BLKTYPE
          A block special file.  The fields devmajor and devminor
          contain  information  that defines the device id of the
          file.  The meaning of the size field is unspecified  by
          the  POSIX  standard.   No  file  data  may  follow the

     '5' DIRTYPE
          A directory or sub directory.  Old  (pre  POSIX.1-1988)
          tar  implementations did use the same typeflag value as
          for plain files and added a slash to  the  end  of  the
          name  field.   If  the  size  field is non zero then it
          indicates the maximum size in characters the system may
          allocate  for  this  directory. If the size field is 0,
          then the system shall not limit the size of the  direc-
          tory. On operating systems where the disk allocation is
          not done on a directory base, the size field is ignored
          on extraction.  No file data may follow the header.

     '6' FIFOTYPE
          A named  pipe.   The  meaning  of  the  size  field  is
          unspecified by the POSIX standard.  The size field must
          be ignored on extraction.  No file data may follow  the

     '7' CONTTYPE
          A contiguous file.  This is a file that  gives  special
          performance  attributes.   Operating systems that don't
          support this file type extract this file type as  plain
          files.   If  the size field is non zero, then file data
          follows the header.

     'g' GLOBAL POSIX.1-2001 HEADER
          With POSIX.1-2001 pax archives,  this  type  defines  a
          global  extended  header.   The size is always non zero
          and denotes  the  sum  of  the  length  fields  in  the
          extended header data.  The data that follows the header
          is in the pax extended  header  format.   The  extended
          header records in this header type affect all following

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          files in the archive unless they are overwritten by new
          values.   See  EXTENDED TAR (PAX) HEADER FORMAT section

          With POSIX.1-2001 pax archives, this  type  defines  an
          extended  header.   The  size  is  always  non zero and
          denotes the sum of the length fields  in  the  extended
          header  data.   The  data that follows the header is in
          the pax extended header format.   The  extended  header
          records  in  this header type only affect the following
          file in the archive.  See  EXTENDED  TAR  (PAX)  HEADER
          FORMAT section below.

     'A' - 'Z'
          Reserved for vendor specific implementations.

     'A'  A Solaris ACL entry as used by the  tar  implementation
          from  Sun.  The size is always non zero and denotes the
          length of the  data  that  follows  the  header.   Star
          currently  is  not able to handle this header type.  As
          the ACL data used by this format dos  not  include  the
          numerical  user  and  group  id's,  this  format is not
          recommended for archival.

     'D'  A GNU dump directory.  This header type is not  created
          by  star  and  handled  like a POSIX type '5' directory
          during an extract operation, so  the  data  content  is
          ignored  by star.  The size field denotes the length of
          the data that follows the header.

     'E'  A Solaris Extended  Attribute  File  that  is  used  to
          archive NFSv4 type extended attributes.  The size field
          denotes the length of the data that follows the header.
          Star currently is not able to handle this header type.

     'I'  A inode metadata entry.  This header type  is  used  by
          star  to archive inode meta data only.  To archive more
          inode meta data than possible with a  POSIX-1.1988  tar
          header, a header with type 'I' is usually preceded by a
          'x' header.  It is used with incremental backups.   The
          size  field holds the length of the file.  No file data
          follows this header.

     'K'  A long link name.  Star is able to read and write  this
          type of header with the star, xstar and gnutar formats.
          With the xustar and exustar formats,  star  prefers  to
          store  long  link  names using the POSIX.1-2001 method.
          The size is always non zero and denotes the  length  of
          the  long  link target name including the trailing null
          byte.  The link name is in the data  that  follows  the

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     'L'  A long file name.  Star is able to read and write  this
          type of header with the star, xstar and gnutar formats.
          With the xustar and exustar formats,  star  prefers  to
          store  long  file  names using the POSIX.1-2001 method.
          The size is always non zero and denotes the  length  of
          the  long  file  name including the trailing null byte.
          The file name is in the data that follows the header.

     'M'  A multi volume continuation entry.  It is used by  star
          to  tell the extraction program via the size field when
          the next regular  archive  header  will  follow.   This
          allows to start extracting multi volume archives with a
          volume number greater than one.  It is used by GNU  tar
          to  verify  multi  volume  continuation volumes.  Other
          fields in the GNU multi volume continuation header  are
          a  result  of  a  GNU tar miss conception and cannot be
          used in a reliable tar  implementation.   If  the  size
          field  is  non  zero  the  data following the header is
          skipped by star if the volume that starts  with  it  is
          mounted as the first volume.  This header is ignored if
          the volume that starts with it is mounted as  continua-
          tion volume. Instead, the following data is used as the
          continuation of the file that is currently extracted.

     'N'  An outdated linktype used by old GNU  tar  versions  to
          store  long  file  names.   This type is unsupported by

     'S'  A sparse file.  This header type is used  by  star  and
          GNU  tar.   A  sparse header is used instead of a plain
          file header to  denote  a  sparse  file  that  follows.
          Directly  after  the  header,  a  list  of  sparse hole
          descriptors follows  followed  by  the  compacted  file
          data.   With  star formats, the size field holds a size
          that represents the sum of the sparse hole  descriptors
          plus  the  size of the compacted file data. This allows
          other tar implementations to correctly skip to the next
          tar header.  With GNU tar, up to 4 sparse hole descrip-
          tors fit  into  the  sparse  header.   Additional  hole
          descriptors  are not needed if the file has less than 4
          holes.  With GNU tar, the size field breaks general tar
          header  rules  in case more than 4 sparse hole descrip-
          tors are used and is meaningless because  the  size  of
          the  additional sparse hole descriptors used by GNU tar
          does not count and cannot be determined before  parsing
          all sparse hole descriptors.

     'V'  A volume header.  The name field is is used to hold the
          volume  name.   Star  uses  the atime field to hold the
          volume number in case there is no POSIX.1-2001 extended
          header.   This header type is used by star and GNU tar.
          If the size field is non zero the  data  following  the

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          header is skipped by star.

     'X'  A vendor unique variant of  the  POSIX.1-2001  extended
          header type.  It has been implemented by Sun many years
          before the POSIX.1-2001 standard has been approved  and
          the  POSIX.1-2001  tar extensions are based on this Sun
          tar extension.  See also the typeflag 'x' header  type.
          Star is able to read and write this type of header.

     The devmajor  and  devminor  fields  contain  the  numerical
     major()  and  minor() information that defines the device id
     of the file from the member st_rdev in struct  stat.   These
     fields may use a base 256 encoding.


     Block type                            Description

     Ustar Header [typeflag='g']      Global Extended Header
     Global Extended Data
     Ustar Header [typeflag='x']         Extended Header
     Extended Data
     Ustar header [typeflag='0']    File with Extended Header
     Data for File #1
     Ustar header [typeflag='0']   File without Extended Header
     Data for File #2
     Block of binary zeroes              First EOF Block
     Block of binary zeroes              Second EOF Block


     The data block  that  follows  a  tar  archive  header  with
     typeflag 'g' or 'x' contains one or more records in the fol-
     lowing format:

          "%d %s=%s\n", <length>, <keyword>, <value>

     Each record starts with a a decimal length field. The length
     includes  the  total  size  of a record including the length
     field itself and the trailing new line.

     The keyword may not include an  equal  sign.   All  keywords
     beginning  with  lower  case letters and digits are reserved
     for future use by the POSIX standard.

     If the value field is of zero length, it deletes any  header
     field  of  the  same  name  that  is in effect from the same
     extended header or from a previous global header.

     Null characters do not delimit any value. The data used  for
     value is only limited by its implicit length.

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)


     POSIX.1-2001 extended pax  header  keywords.  All  numerical
     values  are  represented  as decimal strings.  All texts are
     represented as UTF-8 or an unspecified  binary  format  (see
     hdrcharset keyword) that is expected to be understood by the
     receiving system:

          The time from st_atime in sub second granularity.  Star
          currently supports a nanosecond granularity.

          The name of the character set used to encode  the  data
          in the following file(s).

          The following values are supported for charset:

          ISO-IR 646 1990          ISO/IEC 646:1990

          ISO-IR 8859 1 1998       ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 2 1998       ISO/IEC 8859-2:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 3 1998       ISO/IEC 8859-3:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 4 1998       ISO/IEC 8859-4:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 5 1998       ISO/IEC 8859-5:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 6 1998       ISO/IEC 8859-6:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 7 1998       ISO/IEC 8859-7:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 8 1998       ISO/IEC 8859-8:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 9 1998       ISO/IEC 8859-9:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 10 1998      ISO/IEC 8859-10:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 11 1998      ISO/IEC 8859-11:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 12 1998      ISO/IEC 8859-12:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 13 1998      ISO/IEC 8859-13:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 14 1998      ISO/IEC 8859-14:1998

          ISO-IR 8859 15 1998      ISO/IEC 8859-15:1998

          ISO-IR 10646 2000        ISO/IEC 10646:2000

          ISO-IR 10646 2000 UTF-8  ISO/IEC 10646, UTF-8 encoding

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          BINARY                   None

          This keyword is currently ignored by star.

          Any number of characters that  should  be  treated  as
          comment.  Star ignores the comment as documented by the
          POSIX standard.

          The time from st_ctime in sub second granularity.  Star
          currently supports a nanosecond granularity.

     gid  The group ID of the group  that  owns  the  file.   The
          argument  is  a  decimal number.  This field is used if
          the group ID of a file is greater than  2097151  (octal

          The group name keyword for  the  following  file(s)  is
          created  if the group name does not fit into 32 charac-
          ters or cannot be expressed  in  7-Bit  ASCII.   It  is
          coded  in  UTF-8  or  (if  the  hdrcharset  keyword  is
          present) coded to fit the charset value.

          The name of the character set used to encode  the  data
          for  the  gname, linkpath, path and uname fields in the
          POSIX.1-2001 extended header records and for the gname,
          uname  and  path  parts in the vendor specific extended
          header   records   SCHILY.acl.ace,   SCHILY.acl.access,
          SCHILY.acl.default and SCHILY.dir.

          The following values are supported for hdrcharset:

          ISO-IR 10646 2000 UTF-8  ISO/IEC 10646, UTF-8 encoding

          BINARY                   None

          If the binary encoding is selected, the encoding is the
          same  as  used by the creating system and it is assumed
          that the receiving system is able to use the values  in
          that encoding.

          The linkpath keyword is  created  if  the  linkpath  is
          longer  than  100  characters or cannot be expressed in
          7-Bit ASCII.  It is coded in UTF-8 or (if the  hdrchar-
          set keyword is present) coded to fit the charset value.

          The time from st_mtime in sub second granularity.  Star

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          currently supports a nanosecond granularity.

     path The path keyword is created if the path  does  not  fit
          into  100  characters + 155 characters prefix or cannot
          be expressed in 7-Bit ASCII.  It is coded in  UTF-8  or
          (if the hdrcharset keyword is present) coded to fit the
          charset value.

          The keywords prefixed by  realtime.  are  reserved  for
          future standardization.

          The keywords prefixed by  security.  are  reserved  for
          future standardization.

     size The size of the file as decimal number if the file size
          is  greater  than  8589934591  (octal 77777777777). The
          size keyword may not refer to the real file size but is
          related  to  the  size if the file in the archive.  See
          also SCHILY.realsize for more information.

     uid  The uid ID of the group that owns the file.  The  argu-
          ment  is  a  decimal number.  This field is used if the
          uid ID  of  a  file  is  greater  than  2097151  (octal

          The user name keyword  for  the  following  file(s)  is
          created  if  the user name does not fit into 32 charac-
          ters or cannot be expressed  in  7-Bit  ASCII.   It  is
          coded  in  UTF-8  or  (if  the  hdrcharset  keyword  is
          present) coded to fit the charset value.

          Any keyword that starts with a vendor name  in  capital
          letters  is  reserved for vendor specific extensions by
          the standard.  Star uses a lot of these vendor specific
          extension. See below for more informations.


     Star uses own vendor specific extensions. The SCHILY  vendor
     specific extended pax header keywords are:

          The NFSv4 ACL for a file.

          Since no official backup format for the NFSv4 ACL stan-
          dard  has  been  defined,  star uses the vendor defined
          attributes SCHILY.acl.ace for  storing  the  NFSv4  ACL

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          Previous versions of star used a  format  for  the  ACL
          text  that  is  is  the  format created by the function
          acl_totext() from libsec on Solaris, using the call:

          acl_totext(aclp, \

          The flags have the following meaning:

               Create  the  compact  version  of  the  ACL   text

               Append uid or gid for  additional  user  or  group

               Use the usersid or  groupsid  format  for  entries
               related  to  an ephemeral uid or gid.  The raw sid
               format will only be used when the "id"  cannot  be
               resolved to a windows name.

          This  is  an   example   of   the   format   used   for
          SCHILY.acl.ace  (a  space  has  been inserted after the
          equal sign and lines are broken [marked with '\' ]  for

          SCHILY.acl.ace= user:lisa:rwx-----------:-------:allow:502, \
                      group:toolies:rwx-----------:-------:allow:102, \
                             owner@:--x-----------:-------:deny,  \
                             owner@:rw-p---A-W-Co-:-------:allow, \
                             group@:-wxp----------:-------:deny,  \
                             group@:r-------------:-------:allow, \
                          everyone@:-wxp---A-W-Co-:-------:deny,  \

          The numerical user and group identifiers are  essential
          when  restoring  a  system completely from a backup, as
          initially the name-to-identifier mappings  may  not  be
          available,  and  then  file ownership restoration would
          not work.

          Newer versions of star use a highly compact variant  of
          the  format mentioned above that avoids the '-' charac-
          ters in the text.  The example  below  is  using  lines
          broken the same way as in the previous example.

          SCHILY.acl.ace= user:lisa:rwx::allow:502, \
                      group:toolies:rwx::allow:102, \
                             owner@:x::deny,        \
                             owner@:rwpAWCo::allow, \

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

                             group@:wxp::deny,      \
                             group@:r::allow,       \
                          everyone@:wxpAWCo::deny,  \

          This   highly   compact   format   is   understood   by
          acl_fromtext()  in  libsec  from  Solaris  and  by  the
          corresponding code from  FreeBSD.   It  is  created  by
          removing  the  '-'  characters  from the normal compact

          The advantage of th highly compact format  is  that  it
          typically  avoids  the need to make the extended header
          data larger than 512 bytes.

          In addition to the documented entry formats, a compati-
          ble  implementation  needs to be able to understand the
          long ace format, if it appears in extended tar headers.
          The  long format for the ACL text is the format created
          by the function acl_totext() from  libsec  on  Solaris,
          using the call:

          acl_totext(aclp, ACL_APPEND_ID | ACL_SID_FMT);

          As the archive format  that  is  used  for  backing  up
          access control lists is compatible with the pax archive
          format, archives created that way can  be  restored  by
          star  or  a POSIX.1-2001 compliant pax.  Note that pro-
          grams that do not implement compatibility to  the  star
          extensions will ignore the ACL information.

          The withdrawn POSIX draft ACL for a file.

          Since no official backup format for the withdrawn POSIX
          draft  access control lists has been defined, star uses
          the vendor  defined  attributes  SCHILY.acl.access  and
          SCHILY.acl.default  for storing the ACL and Default ACL
          of a file, respectively.  The access control lists  are
          stored  in  the short text form as defined in the with-
          drawn POSIX 1003.1e draft standard 17.

          Note that the POSIX 1003.1e draft has been withdrawn in
          1997  but  some operating systems still support it with
          some filesystems.

          To each named user ACL entry a fourth  colon  separated
          field,  containing  the  user  identifier  (UID) of the
          associated user, is  appended.   To  each  named  group
          entry  a  fourth  colon  separated field containing the

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          group identifier  (GID)  of  the  associated  group  is
          appended.   (POSIX  1003.1e draft standard 17 allows to
          add fields to ACL entries.)

          If the user name or group name field is numeric because
          the related user has no entry in the passwd/group data-
          base at the time the archive is created, the additional
          numeric field may be omitted.

          This  is  an   example   of   the   format   used   for
          SCHILY.acl.access  (a space has been inserted after the
          equal sign and lines are broken [marked with '\' ]  for
          readability, additional fields in bold):

          SCHILY.acl.access= user::rwx,user:lisa:r-x:502, \
                             group::r-x,group:toolies:rwx:102, \

          If and only if the user ID 502 and group ID 102 have no
          passwd/group  entry,  our  example acl entry looks this

          SCHILY.acl.access= user::rwx,user:502:r-x, \
                             group::r-x,group:102:rwx:, \

          The added numerical  user  and  group  identifiers  are
          essential  when  restoring  a  system completely from a
          backup, as initially  the  name-to-identifier  mappings
          may  not be available, and then file ownership restora-
          tion would not work.

          When the archive is unpacked and the  ACL  entries  for
          the  files  are  restored, first the additional numeric
          fields are removed and an attempt is  made  to  restore
          the  resulting  ACL  data.   If that fails, the numeric
          fields are extracted and  the  related  user  name  and
          group  name  fields are replaced by the numeric fields,
          before the ACL restore is retried.

          As the archive format  that  is  used  for  backing  up
          access control lists is compatible with the pax archive
          format, archives created that way can  be  restored  by
          star  or  a POSIX.1-2001 compliant pax.  Note that pro-
          grams other than star will ignore the ACL information.

          The default ACL for a file. See  SCHILY.acl.access  for
          more information.

          This  is  an   example   of   the   format   used   for
          SCHILY.acl.default (a space has been inserted after the

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          equal sign and lines are broken [marked with '\' ]  for
          readability, additional fields in bold):

          SCHILY.acl.default= user::rwx,user:lisa:r-x:502, \

          The ACL type used for coding access control lists.

          The following ACL types are possible:

          POSIX draft
               ACLs as defined in  the  withdrawn  POSIX  1003.1e
               draft standard 17.

               ACLs as used by NFSv4, NTFS and ZFS.

          Note that the SCHILY.acl.type keyword is currently  not
          generated  by  star.  Star however accepts this keyword
          if it appears in extended tar headers.  The ACL type is
          determined  from the existence of the keyword type that
          holds the ACL text.

          The device ids for names used is  the  SCHILY.dir  dump
          directory  list  from  st_dev  of  the  file as decimal
          number.  The SCHILY.ddev keyword is followed by a space
          separated  list  of device id numbers. Each corresponds
          exactly to a name in the list found in SCHILY.dir.   If
          a  specific  device  id number is repeated, a comma (,)
          without a following space may be use to denote that the
          current  device  id number is identical to the previous
          number.  This keyword is used in dump mode.  This  key-
          word is not yet implemented.  It will be implemented in
          case that star will support incremental dumps that span
          more than one filesystem.

          The value is a signed int.  An implementation should be
          able  to  handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the
          value is signed because POSIX  does  not  specify  more
          than the type should be an int.
          The device id  from  st_dev  of  the  file  as  decimal
          number.  This keyword is used in dump mode.

          The value is a signed int.  An implementation should be
          able  to  handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the
          value is signed because POSIX  does  not  specify  more
          than the type should be an int.

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          The device major number of the file (from  st_rdev)  if
          it  is a character or block special file.  The argument
          is a decimal number.  This field is used if the  device
          major  of  the  file  is  greater  than  2097151 (octal

          The value is a signed int.  An implementation should be
          able  to  handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the
          value is signed because POSIX  does  not  specify  more
          than the type should be an int.

          The device minor number of the file (from  st_rdev)  if
          it  is a character or block special file.  The argument
          is a decimal number.  This field is used if the  device
          minor  of  the  file  is  greater  than  2097151 (octal

          The value is a signed int.  An implementation should be
          able  to  handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the
          value is signed because POSIX  does  not  specify  more
          than the type should be an int.

          The number of minorbits used  in  the  device  id  from
          st_dev as decimal number.

          The value is mainly needed for SunOS where  the  number
          of minor bits in st_dev depends on whether a program is
          run in 32 or 64 bit mode. There is no support for plat-
          forms  that do not have the minor part of the device id
          in a contiguous set of bits (like e.g. FreeBSD).

          The inode numbers for names used is the SCHILY.dir dump
          directory  list  from  st_ino  of  the  file as decimal
          number.  The SCHILY.dino keyword is followed by a space
          separated  list  of  inode  numbers.  Each  corresponds
          exactly to a name in  the  list  found  in  SCHILY.dir.
          This keyword is used in dump mode.

          The values are unsigned int.  An implementation  should
          be able to handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.

          A list of  filenames  (the  content)  for  the  current
          directory.   The  names  are coded in UTF-8.  Each file
          name is prefixed by a single character that is used  as
          a flag.  Each file name is limited by a null character.
          The null character is  directly  followed  by  he  flag
          character  for  the  next file name in case the list is

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          not terminated by the  current  file  name.   The  flag
          character  must not be a null character.  By default, a
          ^A (octal  001)  is  used.   The  following  flags  are

          \000      This is the list terminator character  -  the
                    second null byte, see below.

          \001 (^A) The default flag that is  used  in  case  the
                    dump  dir features have not been active or in
                    case that the file type is unknown.

          \002 (^B) The related file is  a  FIFO  special  (named

          \003 (^C) The related file is a character special.

          \004 (^D) Reserved,  used  e.g.  by  XENIX  multiplexed
                    character special.

          \005 (^E) The related file is a directory.

          \006 (^F) Reserved, used e.g. by XENIX named file.

          \007 (^G) The related file is a block special.

          \010 (^H) Reserved,  used  e.g.  by  XENIX  multiplexed
                    block special.

          \011 (^I) The related file is a regular file.

          \012 (^J) The related file is a contiguous file.

          \013 (^K) The related file is a symbolic link.

          \014 (^L) Reserved, used e.g. by Solaris shadow inode.

          \015 (^M) The related file is a socket.

          \016 (^N) The related file is a Solaris DOOR.

          \017 (^O) The related file is a BSD whiteout entry.

          \020 (^P) Reserved, used e.g. by UNOS eventcount.

          Y         A non directory file that is in  the  current
                    (incremental) dump.

          N         A non directory  file  that  is  not  in  the
                    current (incremental) dump.

          D         A  directory   that   is   in   the   current

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

                    (incremental) dump.

          d         A  directory  that  is  not  in  the  current
                    (incremental) dump.

          The list is terminated by two  successive  null  bytes.
          The first is the null byte for the last file name.  The
          second null byte is at the position where a flag  char-
          acter  would be expected, it acts ad a list terminator.
          The length tag for the SCHILY.dir  data  includes  both
          null bytes.

          If a dump mode has been selected  that  writes  compact
          complete  directory information to the beginning of the
          archive, the flag character  may  contain  values  dif-
          ferent  from  ^A.   Star implementations at least up to
          star-1.5.1 do not use the feature to  tag  entries  and
          use  the  default  entry  \001 (^A) for all files.  Tar
          implementations that like to read archives that use the
          SCHILY.dir keyword, shall not rely on values other than
          \000 (^@) or \001 (^A).

          In 2016, with star-1.5.3 the values from \002  to  \020
          have  been  introduced  as a result of a libfind update
          that uses struct dirent member d_type where available.

          This keyword is used in dump mode.

          A textual version of the BSD  or  Linux  extended  file

          The following flags are defined by star, the bold names
          are  the  names  that are generated and the other names
          are accepted on input as well:

          arch           set the archived flag (super-user only).

          archived       Alias for arch.

          compressed     set the compressed flag (Mac OS only).

          ucompressed    Alias for compressed.

          hidden         Set the file is hidden flag.

          uhidden        Alias for hidden.

          nodump         set the nodump  flag  (owner  or  super-

          offline        Set the file is offline flag.

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          uoffline       Alias for offline.

          opaque         set the opaque  flag  (owner  or  super-

          rdonly         Set the readonly flag.

          urdonly        Alias for rdonly.

          readonly       Alias for rdonly.

          reparse        Set the reparse flag.

          ureparse       Alias for reparse.

          sappnd         set the system append-only flag  (super-
                         user only).

          sappend        Alias for sappnd.

          schg           set the system  immutable  flag  (super-
                         user only).

          schange        Alias for schg.

          simmutable     Alias for schg.

          sparse         Set the sparse flag.

          usparse        Alias for sparse.

          sunlnk         set the system undeletable flag  (super-
                         user only).

          sunlink        Alias for sunlnk.

          system         Set the system flag.

          usystem        Alias for system.

          uappnd         set the user append-only flag (owner  or

          uappend        Alias for uappnd.

          uchg           set the user immutable  flag  (owner  or

          uchange        Alias for uchg.

          uimmutable     Alias for uchg.

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          uunlnk         set the user undeletable flag (owner  or

          uunlink        Alias for uunlnk.

          The following flags are only available on Linux:

          compress       Set the Linux compress  flag  (owner  or

          dirsync        Set the Linux  dirsync  flag  (owner  or
                         super-user)   that   causes  synchronous
                         writes for directories.

          journal-data   Set the Linux journal data flag  (super-
                         user only).

          noatime        Set the Linux no access time flag (owner
                         or super-user).

          nocow          Set the Linux  no  copy  on  write  flag
                         (owner or super-user).

          notail         Set  the  Linux  no  tail  merging  flag
                         (owner or super-user).

          projinherit    Set  the  Linux  project  inherit   flag
                         (owner or super-user).

          secdel         Set the  Linux  secure  deletion  (purge
                         before  delete)  flag  (owner  or super-

          sync           Set  the  Linux  sync  flag  (owner   or

          topdir         Set the Linux top of  directory  hierar-
                         chies flag (owner or super-user).

          undel          Set the Linux allow unrm flag (owner  or

          A textual version of the real file type  of  the  file.
          The following names are used:

          unallocated             An unknown file type  that  may
                                  be  a  result  of  a  unlink(2)
                                  operation.  This  should  never

          regular                 A regular file.

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          contiguous              A contiguous file. On operating
                                  systems  or  file  systems that
                                  don't support this  file  type,
                                  it  is  handled  like a regular

          symlink                 A symbolic  link  to  any  file

          directory               A directory.

          character special       A character special file.

          block special           A block special file.

          fifo                    A named pipe.

          socket                  A UNIX domain socket.

          mpx character special   A multiplexed character special

          mpx block special       A  multiplexed  block   special

          XENIX nsem              A XENIX named semaphore.

          XENIX nshd              XENIX shared data.

          door                    A Solaris door.

          eventcount              A UNOS event count.

          whiteout                A BSD whiteout directory entry.

          sparse                  A sparse regular file.

          volheader               A volume header.

          unknown/bad             Any other  unknown  file  type.
                                  This should never happen.

          The device major number  of  the  file  (from  st_dev).
          This  keyword  is used in dump mode.  The argument is a
          decimal number.

          The value is a signed int.  An implementation should be
          able  to  handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the
          value is signed because POSIX  does  not  specify  more
          than the type should be an int.

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          The device minor number  of  the  file  (from  st_dev).
          This  keyword  is used in dump mode.  The argument is a
          decimal number.

          The value is a signed int.  An implementation should be
          able  to  handle at least 64 bit values.  Note that the
          value is signed because POSIX  does  not  specify  more
          than the type should be an int.

          The inode number from st_ino of  the  file  as  decimal
          number.  This keyword is used in dump mode.

          The value is an unsigned int.  An implementation should
          be able to handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.

          The link count of the file  as  decimal  number.   This
          keyword is used in dump mode.

          The value is an unsigned int.  An implementation should
          be able to handle at least 32 bit unsigned values.

          The  offset  value  for  a  multi  volume  continuation
          header.   This  keyword  is used with multi volume con-
          tinuation headers.  Multi volume  continuation  headers
          are  used  to  allow  to  start  reading a multi volume
          archive past the first volume.

          SCHILY.offset specifies the byte offset within  a  file
          that  was  split  across volumes as a result of a multi
          volume media change operation.

          The value is an unsigned int.  An implementation should
          be able to handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.

          The real size of the file as decimal number.  This key-
          word  is used if the real size of the file differs from
          the visible size of the file in the archive.  The  real
          file  size  differs from the size in the archive if the
          file type is sparse or if the file  is  a  continuation
          file   on   a   multi  volume  archive.   In  case  the
          SCHILY.realsize keyword is needed, it must be past  any
          size keyword in case a size keyword is also present.

          As sparse files allocate less space on tape than a reg-
          ular  file  and  as  a continued file that started on a
          previous volume only  holds  parts  of  the  file,  the
          SCHILY.realsize  keyword holds a bigger number than the

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          size keyword.

          The value is an unsigned int.  An implementation should
          be able to handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.

          The  following  additional  file  types  are  used   in

               A hard link to any file type.

               A directory with dump entries

          multivol continuation
               A multi volume continuation for any file type.

          meta A meta entry (inode meta data only) for  any  file

          A POSIX.1-2001 coded version of the Linux extended file
          attributes.    Linux   extended   file  attributes  are
          name/value pairs. Every attribute  name  results  in  a
  tag  and  the  value of the extended
          attribute is used as  the  value  of  the  POSIX.1-2001
          header  tag.  Note that this way of coding is not port-
          able across platforms, even  though  it  is  compatible
          with the implementation on Mac OS X.  A version for BSD
          may be created but NFSv4  includes  far  more  features
          with extended attribute files than Linux does.

          A future version  of  star  will  implement  a  similar
          method  as  the  tar program on Solaris currently uses.
          When    this    implementation    is     ready,     the
  feature may be removed in favor of a
          truly portable  implementation  that  supports  Solaris


     The following star vendor unique extensions may only  appear
     in 'g'lobal extended pax headers:

          The textual version of the archive type used.  The tex-
          tual values used for SCHILY.archtype are the same names
          that are used in the star command line options  to  set
          up a specific archive type.

          The following values may currently appear in  a  global

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          extended header:

          xustar         'xstar' format without  "tar"  signature
                         at header offset 508.

          exustar        'xustar'  format  variant  that   always
                         includes x-headers and g-headers.

          A complete tar implementation must be prepared to  han-
          dle all archives names as documented in star(1).

          In order to allow archive type  recognition  from  this
          keyword,  the  minimum  tape  block  size must be 2x512
          bytes (1024  bytes)  and  the  SCHILY.archtype  keyword
          needs  to  be  in the first 512 bytes of the content of
          the first 'g'lobal pax  header.  Then  the  first  tape
          block may be scanned to recognize the archive type.

          The textual version of the star version string and  the
          platform  name  where this star has been compiled.  The
          same text appears when calling star -version.

          Other implementations may use  a  version  string  that
          does not start with the text star.

          This keyword is used for  multi  volume  archives.   It
          represents   the   offset   within  the  whole  archive
          expressed in 512 byte units.

          The value is an unsigned int with a valid range between
          1  and  infinity.  An  implementation should be able to
          handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.

          The tape blocksize expressed in 512 byte units that was
          used when writing the archive.

          The value is an unsigned int with a valid range between
          1  and  infinity.  An  implementation should be able to
          handle at least 31 bit unsigned values.

          This keyword is used in dump mode.  It is only  emitted
          in  case  the  fs-name=  option  of  star  was  used to
          overwrite   the   SCHILY.volhdr.filesys   value.     If
          SCHILY.volhdr.cwd  is  present,  it  contains  the real
          backup working directory.

          Overwriting SCHILY.volhdr.filesys is needed when  back-
          ups are run on file system snapshots rather than on the

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          real file system.

          This keyword is used in dump mode.  It  represents  the
          name of the device that holds the file system data. For
          disk based file systems, this is the device name of the
          mounted device.

          This keyword is optional. It helps to  correctly  iden-
          tify  the  file  system  from  which this dump has been

          This keyword is used in dump mode.  It  represents  the
          time the current dump did start.

          This keyword is used in dump mode.  It  represents  the
          level  of  the  current  dump.   Dump  levels are small
          numbers, the lowest possible number is 0.  Dump level 0
          represents  a  full  backup.  Dump level 1 represents a
          backup that contains all changes that did  occur  since
          the  last  level  0  dump.   Dump  level 2 represents a
          backup that contains all changes that did  occur  since
          the last level 1 dump.  Star does not specify a maximum
          allowed dump level but  you  should  try  to  keep  the
          numbers less than 100.

          The value is an unsigned int with a valid range between
          0 and at least 100.

          This keyword is used in dump mode.  If the  dump  is  a
          complete  dump  of  a  file  system  (i.e. no files are
          excluded via command line), then the  argument  is  the
          text full, else the argument is the text partial.

          This keyword is used in dump mode.  It  represents  the
          top level directory for the file system from which this
          dump has been made.  If the dump represents a dump that
          has  an associated level, then the this directory needs
          to be identical to the root directory of this file sys-
          tem which is the mount point.

          This keyword is  used  in  dump  mode.   The  value  is
          retrieved from gethostname(3) or uname(2).

          The textual volume label.  The  volume  label  must  be
          identical within a set of multi volume archives.

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

          This keyword is used in dump mode if the  current  dump
          is an incremental dump with a level > 0.  It represents
          the time the related dump did start.

          This keyword is used in dump mode if the  current  dump
          is an incremental dump with a level > 0.  It represents
          the level of the related dump.  The related dump is the
          last  dump with a level that is lower that the level of
          this dump.  If a dump with the  level  of  the  current
          dump  -1  exists,  then this is the related dump level.
          Otherwise, the dump level is decremented until a  valid
          dump level could be found in the dump database.

          The value is an unsigned int with a valid range between
          0 and at least 100.

          This keyword is used for multi volume archives and  may
          be  used  to  verify  the volume size on read back.  It
          represents the tape size expressed in 512  byte  units.
          This keyword is set in multi volume mode if the size of
          the tape was not autodetected but set  from  a  command
          line option.

          The value is an unsigned int with a valid range between
          1  and  infinity.  An  implementation should be able to
          handle at least 64 bit unsigned values.

          This keyword is used for  multi  volume  archives.   It
          represents  the volume number within a volume set.  The
          number used for the first volume is 1.

          The value is an unsigned int with a valid range between
          1  and  infinity.  An  implementation should be able to
          handle at least 31 bit unsigned values.


     Multi volume archives always use  volume  headers.  Starting
     with  the second volume, there is a multi volume header that
     helps to skip the rest of the file that was split at the end
     of the previous volume.

     Star is able to work with arbitrary unknown volume sizes  by
     detecting  the  end  of the current media via a write() call
     that returns 0.  A fixed media size is used, when the option
     tsize=# has been specified.

     Since star uses a fifo for optimizing the I/O,  except  when
     called  with the option -no-fifo, it is not possible to know

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)

     the name of the file that is split at a volume limit nor  to
     know  the  offset  in that file.  Unless POSIX.1-2001 exten-
     sions are used, star does not verify  whether  a  follow  up
     volume  is  the right follow up volume.  For this reason, it
     is recommended to create multi  volume  archives  only  with
     archive formats that support POSIX.1-2001 extensions.

     The following POSIX.1-2001 extensions are used together with
     multi volume archives:

          the volume lavel is used to help to identify a  set  of

          The start of the dump with nanosecond precision is used
          to identify the correct follow up volume.

          The volume number counts starting with 1 and is used to
          identify the correct follow up volume.

          The number of blocks read with all previous volumes.

          The tape size in case that the tsize=# option was used.


     spax(1),  suntar(1),  scpio(1),  tar(1),  cpio(1),   pax(1),
     star_sym(1), tartest(1), star(1)




     A tar command appeared in Seventh Edition  Unix,  which  was
     released  in  January, 1979. It replaced the tp program from
     Fourth Edition Unix which  replaced  the  tap  program  from
     First Edition Unix.

     Star was first created in 1982 to extract tapes  on  a  UNIX
     clone  (UNOS)  that  had  no tar command.  In 1985 the first
     fully functional version has been released as mtar.

     When the old star format extensions have been introduced  in
     1985,  it  was renamed to star (Schily tar).  In 1994, Posix
     1003.1-1988 extensions were added and star  was  renamed  to
     star (Standard tar).

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Schily's USER COMMANDS                                   STAR(4L)


     Joerg Schilling
     D-13353 Berlin

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